Commercial & Agriculture Loans
Bank of Yates City has a lending staff that is competent, congenial, and concerned that your private financial information remains private.
We offer all types of Commercial and Agricultural Lending products.
For specific details, contact our lending staff; you will receive prompt, courteous, and professional assistance. Yates City (309) 358-1415 and Farmington (309) 245-4000
Commercial Loans
Real Estate
- Bank of Yates City offers mortgage loans for Commercial and Investment properties on a 5 Year Balloon, up to 20 year amortization.
- Bank of Yates City offers Fixed rate commercial equipment loans up to a 7 year amortization and maturity.
Operating Line of Credit
- Bank of Yates City offers operating lines of credit up to 15 months on a Fixed rate basis.
Farm Land
- Bank of Yates City offers mortgage loans for farmland on a 5 Year Balloon, up to 20 year amortization.
- Bank of Yates City offers Fixed rate agricultural equipment loans up to a 7 year amortization and maturity.
Operating Line of Credit
- Bank of Yates City offers farm operating lines of credit up to 15 months on a Fixed rate basis.